Saying goodbye to Lisa
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on July 16, 2009 1:46 PM

MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR FIREWORKS VICTIM: Judy Grey, second from left, of Georgia, whose daughter Lisa Simmons was one of four killed in a fireworks explosion on Ocracoke Island on July 4, receives a hug from the Rev. Charles Kirkland, who lost son Charles "Kirk" Kirkland Jr. in the same accident, during memorial services for Miss Simmons at The Lord's Table Wednesday night. Also pictured from left are church members Diane Wolfe and pastor Bill Wilson. Funeral services for Kirkland, as well as the other two victims -- Mark Hill, 21, and Terry Holland, 50, who had been building maintenance supervisor at the church ---- were held last week. A disaster relief fund has been established at the church for victims' families.