Animal activist freed Monday after reaching $1,000 fundraising goal
By Staff Reports
Published in News on July 1, 2009 1:46 PM

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Joe Echols of Wayne County Pit Bull Rescue opens the door to the cage Tammie Hedges spent three sweltering days inside in an effort to raise $1,000 for Purrrfect Friends Feline Shelter and Adoptions and the Pit Bull Rescue group. She spent her time in front of Tractor Supply Co. on Cashwell Drive. Janet Presson donated the last $100 to set Ms. Hedges free.
After 78 hours locked in a cage outside Tractor Supply Co. on Cashwell Drive, Tammie Hedges received a donation Monday evening that pushed her over her goal of $1,000 and she was able to get out.
She had entered the lockup in order to raise money for Purrrfect Friends Feline Shelter and Adoptions and the Wayne County Pit Bull Rescue group.
A donation of $100 by Janet Presson opened the door for the volunteer, who started her fundraiser Friday at noon.
The money will go toward the food, medical care, and supplies needed to take care of the animals they rescue.
"Now I can go home and get a shower," was Ms. Hedges' first comment.
A few minutes after being released, she received a call that another woman was coming with a check for $200 after having already donated $100 to the cause on Saturday.
Joe Echols of the Pit Bull Rescue opened the door to let her out after three sweltering days inside.
Members of both organizations thanked those who donated, as well as the media, Tractor Supply, E-Z Flow, Rent America and Cici's pizza restaurant.
For those who wish to continue contributing, there will be a donation jar inside the store, and if anyone is interested in fostering or adopting, they are urged to contact Echols at 429-1099 for dogs and Ms. Hedges at 394-7706 for cats.
The groups' next joint fundraiser will be microchipping for the public on July 25 at Critter Connection at 2807 Royall Avenue.