Monday stabbing ends in death of Goldsboro man
By Nick Hiltunen
Published in News on June 30, 2009 1:46 PM

Goldsboro police take Almojaded "Mike" Mohssen into custody after a stabbing at the Bob's No. 2 store on South Slocumb Street Monday.
A South Slocumb Street man died from stab wounds allegedly inflicted by a store clerk at Bob's No. 2 convenience store, also on South Slocumb, authorities said.
Terry Lavon Singleton, 31, who lived just a few doors away from the convenience store, got into an altercation with clerk Almojaded "Mike" Mohssen, 41, police said.
Sometime during the altercation in the parking lot of Bob's No. 2, Mohssen allegedly stabbed Singleton in the back, Sgt. Chad Calloway said.
The incident took place around 5:45 p.m. on Monday, according to the police report.
"It appears that while they were in the parking lot, not inside the building, they had a dispute verbally that escalated into the stabbing," the sergeant said.
Calloway said although detectives had enough probable cause to make the arrest, he did not want to say what the two men had been arguing about.
"That's not something that I'd be prepared to disclose at this moment," Calloway said.
Mohssen is charged with one open count of murder. His residence has the same address as his place of employment, according to the police report.
Around 6 p.m. last night, police had cordoned off a parking lot area across the street.
Calloway said Singleton had stumbled to that area after the stab wound was inflicted and that is where emergency workers picked him up.
A number of people had gathered around the crime tape, and along both sides of South Slocumb Street, as police tried to maintain order and conduct interviews, which Calloway said are still being conducted.
The report shows that Mohssen was born in Yemen, a country located between Saudi Arabia and Somalia, which are separated by the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Sea.
The initial police report indicated the two men were "acquaintances," but Calloway said he believed the two men knew each other only from the store.
"I don't think they're friends," Calloway said.