Planning officials reject rezoning
By Catharin Shepard
Published in News on April 1, 2009 1:46 PM
The Goldsboro Planning Commission voted Monday to deny a contested rezoning proposal for the corner of Berkeley Boulevard and Maplewood Drive.
"The majority of the residents are not in favor of the zoning change, and we acted accordingly," Commission Chairman Chris Boyette said.
The rezoning of a parcel of land at the intersection, proposed by S. Dillon Wooten Jr., would allow retail stores to operate on the property. About 20 local residents spoke out against the rezoning at the Goldsboro City Council meeting March 16, citing safety and traffic concerns, and a petition against the action was filed with the city.
The commission also voted to approve a site plan for an Auto Zone store to occupy the Rex Appliances location on Berkeley Boulevard. Because the store has been empty for more than a year, the company will have to relandscape the property and take other measures to be in compliance with city codes.
The commission also voted to approve changing the name of Courtyard Circle to Day Circle, a measure proposed by property management company McClain Barr and Associates at the March 16 council meeting. Property manager Felina Chase said at that meeting that the name change could help give the apartments a new image.
"The applicant presented its case to have a new start, so we're going to do what we can to help," Boyette said.
The commission also voted not to close a portion of North Center Street from West Holly Street to Royall Avenue after a vehicle count study revealed that about 400 cars a day use the stretch of roadway, which is technically owned by the railroad. Roughly 200 of the vehicles using the road were part of the property owner's business operations, the study reported.
Commission member Bill Charlton said several concerned citizens contacted him about the issue.
"I've heard from some business folks who say they do not want it closed," Charlton said.
And the street itself is in poor condition, commission member Carroll Overton said.
"I think North Center Street is in shambles, the whole thing. It'll knock the bottom out of your car," Carroll said. "There are streets that cross the railroad track that are in terrible shape."
"They could easily im-prove" the road surface, he said.
The commission members also voted on these items:
*Approved a site plan for constructing a new Bojangles on the Southwest corner of North Spence Avenue and U.S. Highway 70. The company plans to demolish the nearby Bojangles and construct a new one, the council reported. In relation to the site plan, the council also voted to approve a public hearing item that would rezone the same property from Shopping Center to Highway Business.
*Approved a site plan for the construction of the 13,555 square foot Eastern Chapel Missionary Baptist Church on a property along A Street, North Carolina Street and Salem Church Road.
*Approved a site plan for Cherry Hospital construction on West Ash Street between Old Smithfield Road and U.S. 117.