11/06/08 — Online service to offer free background checks this weekend

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Online service to offer free background checks this weekend

By Staff Reports
Published in News on November 6, 2008 1:46 PM

123nc.com, a North Carolina-based company that allows users to search North Carolina criminal records online, is providing free access to their Web site this weekend.

123nc.com provides instant access to state courthouse records and contains criminal record data ranging from traffic violations to misdemeanors and felonies. The Web site, which normally charges a fee to search records, will be free of charge from 12:01 a.m. on Saturday through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. During that time users may visit www.123nc.com and view criminal records of any individual they choose.

"With the economy moving in the direction it is, this is our chance to give something back to the community. We are hoping to offer peace of mind by allowing people to search for their babysitters, neighbors or anyone in their lives, free of charge," said Mike Kenney, Director of Business Development for 123nc.com.

123nc.com encourages North Carolinians to search the records of anyone who may have access to their children, home or family. Other suggestions include searching online sellers on sites such as Craiglist.com and eBay.com. For more information about background checks or North Carolina criminal records, please contact Elizabeth Bloch of 123nc.com at 910-815-3880 ext. 7140 or at [email protected].