Armey speaks in Goldsboro
By Kenneth Fine
Published in News on October 24, 2008 1:46 PM

Former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey speaks at a gathering of Republicans Thursday at the Republican Headquarters on Center Street in Goldsboro.
Fewer than a dozen people showed up at the Repub-lican Headquarters on Center Street Thursday to hear former House Majority Leader Dick Armey stump for John McCain.
The size of the crowd seemed to exemplify the message the congressman focused on during much of the roughly 10-minute talk -- that enthusiasm for the GOP's Democratic rival is growing in a state known in recent history for backing the Republican presidential candidate.
Armey talked about his flight to North Carolina, and a particular article he read in The Washington Post.
"They were celebrating this belief that this is the year North Carolina goes Democrat," he said. "And quite frankly, I decided this is going to be a tough race, a close race. I spent a lot of time on that plane thinking about that."
Armey's talk was part of the GOP's "Victory 2008 Early Vote Tour," a fitting name, as he also focused on rallying those on hand to encourage undecided voters to support McCain Nov. 4.
He said Democrats "are not playing by the rules," but went into little additional detail about the charge and did not field questions from the media.
"I believe we can get more legal votes for McCain/Palin then they can get illegal votes," Army said. "We just have to out work them."
The congressman also drew clear distinctions between McCain and Barack Obama.
He said an Obama presidency would mean expanded government control, and also charged the Illinois senator with planning to "redistribute wealth" by taking money from small businesses and families -- via tax increases -- and giving that money to "whoever he decides should get it."
"When you redistribute income ... you are taking money from those who earn it and giving it to those you want to have it," Armey said.
A McCain presidency, however, would mean "private choice and free enterprise," he said, adding, "that is why John McCain is the clear better choice."
But those on hand did not need any convincing.
The majority of them will represent the GOP in other elections next month.
So Armey concluded his remarks with a call to action, before rushing out the door to make it to his next stop in Raleigh.
"Go out there and understand how urgent this is," Armey said. "If your neighbor stays home, you might miss that vote."