Animals move into shelter
By Steve Herring
Published in News on July 31, 2008 1:46 PM
Animals at the old animals shelter on Brick Street were getting gussied up yesterday for today's move into the new Animal Adoption and Education Center on 1600 Clingman St.
"We are planning on giving them all baths," said Justin Scally, animal control supervisor. "We want to make sure they are clean before we move."

News-Argus/Greg Sousa
10-year-old Ashlee Falconer helps to relocate a kitten to the newly completed Wayne County Animal Adoption Center, located on Clingman Street in Goldsboro, on Thursday morning.
Today's move is expected to take all day, Scally said.
The move will be followed in two weeks by a grand-opening ceremony to will be held Saturday, Aug. 16, from 9 to 11 a.m. for the $2.2 million, 11,000-square-foot facility occupying almost four acres.
Scally said that most work has been completed at the site except for the memorial garden that is planned next to the building's northern entrance.
"We will have an architect's rendering for the public to see at the grand opening," he said.
Pavers being sold by the Humane Society may be placed in the memorial garden. The last day to purchase the pavers will be during the grand opening.
McLamb Monument officials have worked closely with the county on the pavers for the memorial garden and has been letting the Humane Society have the pavers at cost and is doing the work on them at no cost
Photos and information may be placed on the pavers such as a memorial for a pet.
A bicycle will be given away during the grand opening, and the Humane Society will conduct an educational program geared toward children about pet care. Tours will be conducted and information will be available for pet owners about spaying and neutering and disaster planning for pets.
Other than the animals, most of the move has been completed, he said. A new dog scale is expected to delivered on Monday.
The new facility includes one room set aside for puppies and small dogs. Another area will house dogs ready to be adopted. Sick dogs will be in an isolation room and vicious dogs will be housed in another. There is a similar arrangement for cats, including one room of "cat condos" complete with a perch for the felines.
The building's south entrance will be an intake area where people may drop off unwanted animals. The north entrance will be for people coming to adopt an animal.
There are separate rooms for persons to interact with the dog or cat they are considering adopting.
The entire facility has air conditioning and heating.
"I want to remind people that while we have a new facility that they still need to be responsible pet owners," he said.
That responsibility, he said, includes ensuring that animals are spayed or neutered.