Reviewing the Troops - Southern Wayne ROTC parades
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on May 25, 2006 1:54 PM

News-Argus/Bobby Williams
ROTC cadets from Southern Wayne High School participated in the 18th annual "Pass in Review" at the school on Wednesday. The military parade honored a distinguished person and recognized accomplishments of others. Dr. Steven Taylor, superintendent of schools, was made an honorary member of the Kitty Hawk Air Society, the school's ROTC honor society. Memorialized were Wilson Eagleston, original Tuskegee airman; Commander Doug Joyner from the Reserve Officers Association; and Col. James Hiteshew, Vietnam POW and former ROTC instructor at Eastern Wayne High School; as well as fallen members of the military. The school's band also recognized each branch of the military service, and an awards ceremony was held for ROTC cadets.