Greenwood Middle School student still critical
By Kenneth Fine
Published in News on November 28, 2005 1:50 PM
Greenwood Middle School students and staff went back to school this morning after the Thanksgiving holiday, but their minds were still with one of their own who remains hospitalized in Greenville.
Carson Thomas, 13, one of two Greenwood students injured Nov. 18 when a sport utility vehicle hit them as they crossed the street in front of the school, remains in critical condition at Pitt Memorial Hospital, a hospital spokesman said this morning.

Carson Thomas
The vehicle, which was driven by Luis Delgado Jesus, 23, of Mount Olive, allegedly ran a red light and hit Carson and his friend, Mackenzie Wessel, also 13, as they and another student made their way across East Ash Street to the school.
Eyewitnesses said the light had been red for a few seconds when Jesus allegedly hit the boys, and that they saw the boys look both ways and acknowledge the "walk" light before crossing, according to Goldsboro police reports.
The third student was not injured, but Mackenzie spent a little more than a week in the hospital. He was released Friday and is recuperating at his home in Goldsboro.
Students and staff at the school have been busy preparing well-wishes for Mackenzie and Carson, as they wait for news of the students' condition, school officials said.
But this morning, in addition to the normal police presence at the corner, Greenwood personnel were also in attendance to watch as students made their way into the school, said Ken Derksen, public relations spokesman for the Wayne County School District.
Derksen said faculty members have joined the crossing guard on duty outside Greenwood lately to increase the presence of authority figures in the morning and afternoon.
Jesus, who made his first appearance in court Nov. 21, is still in Wayne County Jail.
His bond was raised from $1,500 to $5,500 at the request of the District Attorney's office, officials said.