Two arrested after chase; shots fired
By Jack Stephens
Published in News on September 21, 2005 2:00 PM
Two suspected drug dealers who tried to flee from law enforcement officers Tuesday, then exchanged gunfire with them on New Hope Road, were shot by lawmen, then arrested and jailed.
The suspects -- Korey Hill, 29, of Daly Boulevard, Mount Olive, and Anthony Davis, 34, of Franklin Street, Mount Olive -- were treated for their injuries at Wayne Memorial Hospital and then released to authorities.


The two men were charged with numerous felony drug offenses, and they face other charges from the gun battle and traffic collision. They were placed in the Wayne County Jail under $500,000 secured bonds.
An unidentified member of the Goldsboro-Wayne County Drug Squad suffered minor injuries during the gunfight. He was released after emergency room treatment.
The sequence of events started at about 3 p.m. when two drug-squad officers, Sheriff's Sgt. D.C. Johnson and Goldsboro police Officer Gaston Lopez, tried to stop a green Jeep Cherokee as part of an ongoing drug investigation.
The officers said the driver refused to stop but eventually was cornered on New Hope Road near Patetown Road. The suspects finally stopped after a collision with two unmarked patrol vehicles.
When the officers tried to apprehend the suspects, the lawmen were assaulted, and shots were fired. The two suspects were wounded in the exchange of gunfire.
Johnson and Lopez were placed on administrative duties pending an investigation of the shooting.
Sheriff's deputies, Goldsboro police and Highway Patrol troopers quickly responded and sealed off the area, blocking New Hope Road at Patetown Road and Wayne Memorial Drive and several side roads. The roads were blocked for about five hours until after 8 p.m.
Sheriff Carey Winders and Police Chief Tim Bell also assisted at the scene.
The State Bureau of Investigation conducted the crime-scene investigation with assistance from a sheriff's detective.
Hill was wanted on charges from a drug investigation two weeks ago, officers said. He was charged with two counts each of trafficking in cocaine by possession, trafficking in cocaine by sale, trafficking in cocaine by delivery and trafficking in cocaine by transporting and one count each of conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine.
Davis was charged with one count each of trafficking in cocaine by possession, trafficking in cocaine by sale, trafficking in cocaine by delivery, trafficking in cocaine by transporting, conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine.