Local schools find ways to help with hurricane relief
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on September 18, 2005 2:00 AM
Throughout Wayne County Public Schools over the past two weeks since Hurricane Katrina struck the southland, students and staff have responded in a variety of ways, supporting relief efforts.
Eastern Wayne High School presented a check for $2,550 to the American Red Cross on Friday. It represented proceeds from a barbecue plate sale held at the school on Sept. 9.
Rosewood High School has collected $1,112 for the American Red Cross.
Several schools have held coin drives, including Northwest and Carver elementary schools and Green-wood Middle School.
Norwayne Middle School has a goal of collecting at least $50 per classroom, with money going to the American Red Cross.
Eastern Wayne Elementary had a "Bring a Buck" day for students and staff, which raised $1,000.
Rosewood Elementary collected $876.72 in just three days.
Goldsboro High School is collecting money for relief efforts and will culminate their efforts on Homecoming night by asking fans to donate toiletries.
In addition, several schools are collecting items in accordance with specifications by area agencies.
Spring Creek High School sixth-grade students and the high school's National Honor Society are collecting canned goods, sanitary items and bottled water for the American Red Cross. The eighth grade collected baby items for the MERCI center.
Tommy's Road Elementary is collecting items that can be assembled into "school kits" for the MERCI Center.
A sixth-grade class at Greenwood Middle has established an e-mail contact with a school in the hurricane-affected area and will be mailing school supplies to that school.
"I am not at all surprised that our students and staff are responding so generously to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts," said Superintendent Dr. Steven Taylor. "Our community and schools received so much assistance from others following Hurricane Floyd that it is only natural we would want to respond to others facing similar circumstances.
"I am proud of our students and staff for their humanitarian efforts in providing for the needs of others."