ECU grant will help recruit men to nursing
By Other
Published in News on September 1, 2005 1:49 PM
The East Carolina University School of Nursing, in partnership with the military installations at Camp LeJeune, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and Cherry Point, has won one of two $10,000 grants sponsored by the state Center for Nursing to develop creative programs to address nurse recruitment and retention.
The money will be used to encourage men with military training and experience in healthcare to consider nursing as a viable career option after military service and to persuade military nurses to become civilian nursing faculty.
This project will focus directly on two of the priorities of the NC Center for Nursing: increasing the number of male registered nurses in the workforce and increasing the number of nurses prepared for faculty positions. Last year, the American Assembly for Men in Nursing recognized East Carolina as the best nursing school in the United States for men.
To learn more about the Recruitment and Retention Grant Program or the North Carolina Center for Nursing, visit: