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Published in News on March 2, 2005 1:47 PM
A legendary goof
One legend of the Wayne County Courthouse was even stranger once it was recounted in Tuesday's newspaper.
During Monday's Wayne County Reads event, Claud Ferguson told the story of how a bullethole appeared in a stained-glass window behind a judge's bench, but for some odd reason, his surname became Burkes on second reference in the news report.
Even though he is an assistant district attorney, Ferguson is the forgiving type. We hope.
Dog training
Wayne Community College Continuing Education is offering a six-week dog obedience course. Classes will be held 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursdays beginning Thursday. Register and pay the $40 fee at the first class held on the campus. Call 735-5151, ext. 233, for more information.
Battle of the books
Wayne County public schools’ 19th annual Battle of the Books competition will be held Friday, March 11, at 9:00 a.m. in the Richard B. Moffatt Auditorium at Wayne Community College. The public is invited.
Battle of the Books is a competitive reading program for students in grades 6-8.
Schools participating are Brogden Middle, Dillard Middle, Eastern Wayne Middle, Goldsboro Middle, Greenwood Middle, Mt. Olive Middle, Norwayne Middle, and Rosewood Middle.
The event is designed to encourage and promote reading.
Team members read a list of 27 books selected by the North Carolina State Battle of the Books Committee. Following a quiz bowl format, teams compete against each other in answering specific questionsabout each book.