Street closing would add to park land
By Matt Shaw
Published in News on February 21, 2005 1:59 PM
The city of Goldsboro could gain some additional park land near Stoney Creek if it closes three road sections as proposed.
The city may expand its recreational area at Stoney Creek, off Ash Street, with land acquired during its flood-buyout program.

"The city is cleaning that property off right now," said Recreation and Parks Director Neil Bartlett. "They are likely to turn it over to us, but that has not been decided yet."
The additional land could be used for greenways and trails, he said, cautioning talks are still in the early stages.
The road closures would allow the city to close off traffic, remove pavement or make other changes that would facilitate park development.
The City Council will hold a hearing after 7 p.m. tonight on the proposal to close East Mulberry Street, from Randolph Street to Stoney Creek Lane; Stoney Creek Lane, from Walnut Street to Ash Street; and North Durant Street, from Walnut Street to Ash Street, including an unopened portion of the road.
Those road sections, totaling nearly 3,000 feet, are prone to flooding, especially Stoney Creek Lane, during heavy storms.
The council will not act before its March 7 meeting.