Pikeville park meeting
By Sam Atkins
Published in News on January 29, 2004 2:01 PM
PIKEVILLE -- The town board approved the final paperwork Wednesday that it will use when applying for a state grant to help revamp the existing Dees Memorial Park.
The total estimated cost of the project is $194,175. The grant would pay half of the cost with the town picking up the rest.
The board has already budgeted $70,000 for the demolition of the old school building. This money would be included in the board's matching portion, and the rest of the money, $27,087, would be budgeted by the board over the next three years.
A master plan has been developed and includes one phase of renovations during the three-year period.
The board decided that its top priorities are demolishing the abandoned old school building, improving playground equipment and having more activities for senior citizens.
The board will apply for a state and federal grant to cover Phase One of renovations, which go through 2006 and include demolishing the school, seeding and mulching, pole-mounted trash receptacles, landscaping the entire site, a picnic table, a 6-foot-wide walking path, a trail-side bench, raised standard grills, a sheltered stage, children's playground, removing overhead power lines, installing underground power lines and electrical transformers, and resurfacing the parking lot.
The master plan will be given to Greg Meshaw with Municipal Engineering Service Co., who has met with the board several times and is helping it apply for the state and federal grants. The cost of Phase One is based on figures that Meshaw developed.
He said the town has a reasonable chance of receiving the state grant, but it does not look good for the federal grant. If it receives both, the town would have to pay a total 26 percent match.
The plan also has a community profile, a copy of the survey that was distributed to town residents for their input and recommendations based on those surveys. Meshaw will use the plan when applying for both grants.
The board will apply for the state grant in February and for the federal grant in March. It will take several months before the board hears the results.
If the state grant is approved, the town will receive the money after it has budgeted its match, said Mayor Tony Medlin.