Big Sweep: Annual cleanup campaign should be unnecessary
The annual Big Sweep campaign will be running this week and next, with volunteers collecting garbage from along highways and waterways across the county.
The work the volunteers do is a great public service, but it is something that shouldn't have to be done in the first place.
People who trash the neighborhoods they live in have no respect for the environment, and they should be treated accordingly. The laws against littering should be stiffer and more strongly enforced. Judges need to throw the book at people who obviously have no remorse for their sleazy habits.
Honestly, some people are just pigs. We know we have to collect the trash thrown out in our driveway almost every day, and we feel nothing but disgust for those who do it. Why some people feel it is all right to just throw away their trash any old where is beyond us.
So we want to thank those people who care enough to help with the cleanup campaign. It's satisfying to know that among all the slobs out there, there are still people who care about the way our county looks.
Published in Editorials on September 26, 2016 10:02 AM