Spring cleanup: Trash along roadways an embarrassment
We can't be the only ones who see it.
There is more trash than there should be along the highways, roadways and in fields in Wayne County.
And we are not alone. Many counties seem to have this same concern.
As spring comes, it will be easier and easier to see this blight on our beautiful county and state.
So, let's make a spring resolution -- as we clean up our own spaces in preparation for the warmer weather, let's do the same for our community.
A couple of hours volunteered by some local organizations, as well as the rest of us bending down to pick up a piece of trash if we see it and reporting those who are dumping, will go a long way toward accomplishing that goal.
And we will have a better county because of it.
Published in Editorials on March 27, 2014 11:02 AM